
Welcome to the world of S.T. James

Crafting timeless stories of love and intrigue

About Me

Unlike many authors, I hated school, especially English. I did, however, love history. My love of history started from an early age when Dad would tell us stories of our ancestors coming to Australia from England. My first ancestor arrived with the second fleet. Years later, the other side of the family came as free settlers. The story starts with which family is better than the other. While I could listen to the story every night, the older siblings begged for the story never to be told again.


At age fifteen, I picked up my first Mills and Boon novel and fell in love with the heroes and heroines and their struggle to find happiness. Then I read Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and was lost in the world of Historical Romance, never thinking one day that I would find myself writing stories of long-ago heroes and heroines.


S.T James

Author, writer, reader